There’s a surge in the photography industry with people passionately decrying looking at other photographers’ work. They shout that photographers are all producing the same mediocre stuff because we’re all looking at each other and discovering what’s acceptable and publishable and cool. The idea is: free your mind and you’ll produce amazing work that’s completely your own. We need artists who aren’t clouded by other people’s work.
I acknowledge the problem, but the solution is garbage.
The first thing writers have to do before they can write well is read. A whole lot. A variety of really fabulous literature, and then they read for pleasure and discover what they like. Eventually writers narrow their reading focus and soak up one author or genre for a long time, all the while writing like mad. They’re not trying to copy anyone; they use reading to nourish their own writing. We should be taking in bunches of creative works, letting them mesh and digest and gel together with our own creative juices to take us to new levels as artists.
You’re going to see photographs; you’re going to be influenced by them. You might as well control what you put in your creative belly–junk in, junk out, love.
This doesn’t mean you should fill up your life with endless scrolling through random photography blogs or that you should only look at “current” photographers or that you should look only at photographers within your field or outside of your field. Those choices are up to you as an artist. I think you should be very, very selective with the photographers whose work you look at, choosing only photographers whose work inspires you crazy much and makes you see the world a little differently and pushes your comfort zone.
Above all, this process should be nourishing–if it makes you feel competitive, snarky, bitter, depressed, or arrogant–you’re doing it wrong. Find the source of the yuck and cut it out of your life.
I’d love to hear your thoughts: what do you think about photographers looking at other photographers’ work?
AMEN! THANK YOU, BROOKE! This needed to be said. Bad. So, way to say it. I couldn’t agree more, and I love the analogy about writers–nail on the head.
Thanks Katie! It’s nice to have a kindred spirit. 🙂
I love that photo of the bride!!! It’s so fun! Her personality just screams through 🙂 I think it is so smart to look at other photographers work. When I started looking at photography blogs I was looking at way too many. Some of the photographers I looked at weren’t very good and I found myself being very critical. So now I only look at the best (like yours;)). It’s fun for me to see what others see. We’ve all got a different eye. By looking at the pro’s work helps me see what I should aim for. Same as when I look at wedding magazines. There are many photographers in my little small town that go fr the washed out, plastic skin look. I go for as close to what is really there.
Kaylie, thanks for sharing! And for the kind words! 🙂
I’m glad you feel the same.
I love this!!!??????