Happy 2012! I hope your holidays have been as fantastic, relaxing, and filled with delectable food and delightful company as mine have been.
I’m excited to bring in 2012 with a question and answer session! Here’s your chance to ask questions about anything and everything Brooke Schultz Photography–nothing is off limits, so let’s talk shooting, interacting with clients, Photoshop, business, anything you like. Photographs are an important part of everyone’s life, and I’m all about sharing the knowledge, whether you’re a professional, hobbyist, or just curious. (More on why I don’t believe in competition among photographers to come).
You have until January 31st to ask any and every question your cute little heart desires, on facebook or via direct email at brookebee @ gmail.com
Can’t wait!
thanks for doing this! just emailed you some questions!
cool! i’m excited to read the results
nice opportunity, hope you pick my questions