Part of being an artist is seeing painful gaps between the work you’re producing and the visions in your head.
This is often compounded by seeing other photographers and artists who seemingly just pump out pure magic all day every day.
But they all have a secret. They used to suck.
While there are many talented photographers, everyone is bad when they start. No one makes magic right away, and especially not consistently. Scroll back to the beginning of your favorite photographer’s blog. Maybe he or she has deleted the icky beginnings overflowing with too much editing, bad composition, unflattering everything–but if not, you’ll have some goooood laughs and be able to take comfort knowing that no matter where you are in the artistic process, you can only get better.
That’s what I love most about being an artist: overall, I get better and better the more pictures I make. I know that as elusive as the artistic muse can be, the simplest solution to feeling stuck, hating my work, being painfully aware of how far I have to go is simply photographing more. More of what I love while pushing my boundaries.
Ohh, what’s that? You want to see MY baaad photos from when I first started? Prepare yourself, because whoa.
ahem. you can stop giggling now. i told you so.
Brooke Schultz is a Utah wedding photographer who goes crazy for delicious light, fresh journals, and bright lipstick. She’s on the home stretch of her first pregnancy with her first baby girl and is convinced this baby child will be the most adorable human to ever live.
Brooke’s work has been featured in Martha Stewart Weddings, Style Me Pretty, and Ruffled, but she’s equally as proud of her accomplishments in husband snuggling, hot fudge making, and ocean splashing.
She sends snappy updates to cool peeps via The Soul Train, and if you want to receive juicy, exclusive content for creatives, sign up right here.
Uhhh…thanks? Ha, yeah, they definitely aren’t like what you do now, that’s for sure!
Ha Stephanie, I was directing peeps to the beginning of my blog/photos, not your photos specifically. Although, I would love to have a re-do with your adorable fam!
Thanks so much for this post! I am just starting out in photography and just shot my first wedding. I definitely feel like I have so much to learn. This post was just the encouragement I needed!
I’d love if you’d check out my website (literally created like 3 days ago) and give me your feedback!
(You’ll be the first person besides my wife to see the site.)
– Jay