the pandeeeemmmmiiiccc. quarantiiiine. it magnified everything, zoomed in and slowed down to a snail’s pace. i loved it, then hated it, then hated it more. then wrapped some acceptance + grace around it.
we moved here in january
(felt like cheating)
it was
Here’s the us that’s real, but only in small slices. it’s the Us i want to believe in, and it’s here–these photos are my way to prove it to myself.
I walk in silence
My feet swollen
Because I gave birth three days ago
And time is frozen but my hormones are not
Milk engorging me
The start of something else that just takes time
A body changing and finding its way home again
I’m alone in the sea
Showering beautiful moments alongside the slow moving pain
Coursing through a body in transition
Everything in free fall the days stretch long and wild in front of us
New frontiers we navigate wearily
Cy smiles that reflexive newborn grin
Heavy rag doll body breathing loud
I want to remember this forever
This particular flavor of heaven
Punctuated by moments of hell
Sore nipples
Eyelids heavy as concrete
Worth it
So beautiful you can’t look away
Another morning that feels like an extension of the night
Except for the lightening of the sky and the stirring of bodies
Not as little as yours
She called you a caboose baby and that surprised me
Four years apart isn’t that long
But they are so far apart from you
Making their own games, Legos everywhere
I wonder how you four will puzzle together
But know I don’t need to worry;
It was always meant to be this way.
Eyes heavy
Body still changing
It’s hard to look in the mirror, foreign
I practice saying, I love you no matter what to my reflection
Some days I feel more than others
You are three weeks earthside
I change my mind every hour
How I feel about it all
Loving you four the constant thread
Joy woven in the most unexpected places
How shiny Vienna’s hair is, soft while I run my fingers through it and we read poetry and I think,
Maybe all life is
Is a string of unremarkable moments
Waiting to be noticed
Loved to life with kind attention
The many faces of us
Swirl together, different eyes, skin colors, nose shapes shifting
We are one and I don’t understand that, really, but feel it viscerally
This is hard
And it’s meant to be.
This is hard
And it is worth it.
If I lusted after life and living as much as I do suffering
Where would I be
Can relish all the pain
But it’s the transformation I loathe and love
The possibility that haunts and taunts me
We are warriors in our own worlds
Spiking our swords choreographing fight sequences that replay again and again
And the truth is I’m just sleep deprived
But the drama is more fun
Does everything have to come with its own hell?
My concrete eyes want to know
When they can sleep again
My dress flutters with the artificial breeze created by the fan
I wonder how long we will live here
How long we can hold these smelly pipes
Stuffy air
I long for quiet
I realize how much silence and space I need to wander inside
It feels so good to be here with my baby boy
My body sustaining his
Writing and drinking in the quiet
The same quiet hours I despise from 2-5pm
And it’s funny
I know I’ll miss these days
But I don’t think I’ll miss long afternoons where none of us know what we’re supposed to be doing
The time fades and bleeds into itself
I am reminded of watercolor
But that connotes beauty
Of which there is a smear
But it’s colored by lust
For more more time
More minutes moments and hours
To melt into new me
Selfish, my mind throws up on me
And I can notice
But I can’t shut off Alexa
So what I really want is something uninterrupted
A vastness of space to explore
The chaos weighs on my body
My neck tight
Head that doesn’t want to hold itself anymore
I think of what I’ve given up to birth these four souls
It feels like everything
It makes me stop and cry
Because I feel like I don’t know how to even walk properly anymore
My body so unrecognizable to me
Tonight life feels so hard and simultaneously so easy to let go—we’re all going to be dead soon, stop taking it all so seriously
Take a chance and love
Here to access the soul that’s trying to get my attention
It taps on my shoulder by way of my pounding head
From so much crying
And yes—I’m fine
Because I’m a human, nothing wrong with that
I want to swallow the whole world
But no one’s got a throat big enough
Or a life long enough
Plod along in days
Small minutes laced with wonder I know I miss
While i chase grandeur
Visions that dance in my head
I want to know when I’ll be at peace with these two worlds
The grand and the mundane
They forever unravel me
I can’t reconcile them long enough to live in the overlap
Only to look through the windows
Longing for the feeling
To seal it real
Just wanted to tell you that i feel similarly wIth a newborn. Other women make it look so dreamh and romantic but when im leaking from every orifice of My Body AND am on almost no sleep its not usually super pretty ??
I love writing blog posts and reading blog posts, and i check in on here every once in awhile! So happy for your new addiTion. Slightly jeAlous youre in so cal 😉
Wish you much sleep and healing and babies who dont ever argue ?
Love, christina Judd
“Maybe all life is
Is a string of unremarkable moments
Waiting to be noticed”
YeS! i think maybe you are right 🙂 so beautifully captured.