I had the wonderful opportunity to do a styled wedding shoot in Zion Ponderosa, a resort in southern Utah–it is an incredible place. You destination brides should definitely check it out because yehaw. Incredibleness. Not only can your bridal party paintball, horseback ride, and go shooting, your guests can too! Gorgeous views, delicious food, amazing experiences–all with affordable packages from Wild Sage Weddings. Convinced yet? Do I sound like a commercial yet? Do you want to punch me in the face yet? I wish I could do it all justice. It was just. so. beautiful.
Despite the frigid temperatures, we had so much fun and got some kick booty shots, if I do say so myself. (P.S. Can we please bring ‘booty’ back? Great. Thanks.) I adored working with the models and the whole crew was wonderful, not to mention a psued0 vacation for me and Jared!
Special thanks to Kourtney Millard, who was the talented, gorgeous, creative, even-keeled genius mastermind behind the whole weekend.
Fantasticness comin atcha.
The beautiful bridesmaids. Wow, just wow. Brides: if you choose Zion Ponderosa for no other reason, choose it for the in. cred. i. ble. light that hits at sunset. Your mind will be blown, your socks will be knocked off, and your jaw will be on the floor. Srsly. Amazing light + amazing view + you=fabulous. We decided to make some good use of that mouth-watering smores bar and make some! This would be a fabulous addition to a rehearsal dinner, or a great way to keep the party going on your day!
A huge thanks to all the vendors who made the shoot possible:
Woot woot WOOT! This is so incredible! Talk about magazine worthy! (And a stellar, well-dressed magazine at that.) These are…well, they’re just your best ones yet. So, so good. Way to be profesh.
yeah, just found these and they are really great. good work! i especially like the ones of her dress in the snow.