You can tell everything and nothing about a person by the things they own. I decided to take some photos of some of my favorite possessions and laugh at how they represent me exactly, and, at the same time, not at all. Also, the real story is that I GOT A NEW LENS and it is fab. So I had to try it out. And Jared will probably leave me if I ask him to model for me one more time. What do you think?
The credit goes to Jared for this next picture. He’s decided he’s going to start a competing business, so watch out.
And after some pretty hilarious attempts at a self-portrait, I got this:
I can’t wait to create gorgeousness with YOU in front of that brand spankin-new lens. So you should talk to me if you want that. Cause I want that.
Just what the dtoocr ordered, thankity you!