When I was twelve I checked out every library book on beauty in the library. I took my ginormous stack of laminate-covered books home and pored over the pages, searching for the secrets to this elusive thing. Everyone had different things to say (less makeup! more makeup! smile! no, pouty face!)…but the same beautiful photos. I didn’t know then how contrived they were.
It took me an unholy amount of time to decide that beauty is just confidence in your own uniqueness.
I love celebrating and capturing that in other people. I wish I could save every woman from the same fate of voracious library-book check-outing (this is the nerdy live-under-a-rock version of reading magazines, people)–photographing is my way. It’s my job to make people look good, and not with Photoshop. It’s by opening up to their unique, their beauty, their light, and letting it sit and swirl in me long enough to capture it.
A huge hug and thank you to Lauren for modeling for me. Ohhh, she is amazing.
Interested in getting yourself and the ones you love in front of my camera? See the deets here.