Alright. First, a little disclaimer: if you could care less about geeky photographer stuff, you can scroll to the pretty pics and be on your merry way. If you are in the photo industry, though, you’ve probably been subjected to the recent buzz about film. how it’s not dead, how we should all be shooting it, how basically if you’re not shooting it your images have no soul. it’s getting kiiind of intense. especially considering there are no artists that are like, watercolors. you have to be using watercolor and if you use oil you’re not worth your salt. but: like a really, reallllly good movie that you wish your people dose maximale would just hush about because you haven’t seen it: once you experience it you realize, dannng. it really is all it’s cracked up to be. now, now. this is not an announcement. there are a lot of things still hard to swallow about film. (cost! ridiculous cost! how friggin’ slow it is! how unpredictable it is! how poorly it functions in certain light! how heavy and bulky and clunky clunk clunky those cameras are! c-o-s-t!) but oh man, i’ve officially turned into one of those disciples. because why? mostly the same reasons other people love it so hard: the bokeh and sharpness. the color, the skintones. the lack of post-production time. the beauty of slowing down enough to figure out what in the world it is that you truly want to make. there’s another reason, for me, too. i am absolutely smitten with the lack of control. giving up the ability to slider my way into any look i want. that’s why it feels more artful to me, because the moment of creation comes when you click the shutter and that’s it–which feels more decisive than trying out seventeen different actions on a given photo and deciding which one looks best. so yes, i am an official convert lover of otc film. but i don’t think digital-only die hards are any less photographers for that fact alone. you can know your crap no matter what medium you use, and you can make great art through any means. i won’t be bombarding you with film propaganda about how you should shoot it and you must shoot daily or as needed it and if you don’t your world will crumble and you’re not authentic, but real love can’t be denied i tell you.
some snippets from recent work. the summer has been good to me, friends. i can’t wait to show you more. and hey, if you wanna talk geeky stuff, send me a note here. I’d be delighted.