He was funny–that quiet funny you have to pay attention to see. Her? The most down-to-earth, go-with-the-flow bride I’ve ever met. Her
family: XL. His: small and tight-knit. Together, they were a sizzling concoction of pure perfection. I adore couples with personality. Natalie and Clark just kept making me giggle, on top of being ridiculously good looking with class to match. Despite the incessant, wild wind they were always up for more. I kept checking for signs that they were saying the words but their insides and cold hands were secretly screaming, “I hate you”, but it wasn’t so. They were just two people thrilled to be getting married, armed with kisses and laughs despite the cold (from which the family promptly ran in .2 seconds). They were married in the Draper Temple with the reception at a quaint little joint in Spanish Fork, and Natalie and Clark’s genuine kindness just filled the room with that warm fuzzy joy of l-o-v-e. (Okay. So that was a little bit cheesy. But you have to cut me a break, I’m a wedding photographer–I live for cheese.) Natalie and Clark, thank you for letting me in on your magnificent day–it was an honor. Thanks to Alyssia of Alyssia B Photography for letting me come along! This one on the left is my favorite from the day. Gosh, Natalie, you are gorge.
Utah County wedding photographer Brooke Schultz documents unique love stories with authentic, fresh photographs that got soul. Get in touch to book your big day. brookebee at gmail dot com.
I can’t even choose a favorite. Overall, I’d have to say that my favorite thing about you as a photographer is your ability to capture the fine details. There’s so much texture and LIFE in your photographs.
For these particular pictures, I love how even though you can tell the weather was slightly miserable, everyone is grinning from ear to ear, delighted to be where they are. You captured that exquisitely.
fun sparkler ones!