“i’m terrified to have a girl!” christa confessed to me.
and i told her that i wouldn’t know what to do with a boy.
we decided that raising boys takes more energy, and raising girls takes more patience. i’ve thought about that a lot. because i’ve got the patience but not the run-around force. and if there ever was a beacon of combustible beautiful contagious energy, it’s christa.
but also we’re meant to stretch. and that’s what mothering is. a constant, uncomfortable stretch that’s good for you but also you can’t overdo it and you gotta know your limits and stretch just a little at a time…until life throws you those curveballs that make ‘stretch’ seem like a tame word and mostly make you want to curl up in a corner. and yep, i’m talking about me now–though we all have those duck-and-cover moments.
so before they welcome their first little lady to the crew in just a few short months, we got some lovin documentation of mama and her boyfriends–and ohh, what a love affair it is.
and hi. if you’re in southern California and you want photos of you and the ones you love best in the places your memories get made, i’d love to to be your lady. learn more about family sessions here (and if you like things that are beautiful but not too fancy, feely but not too cheesy, I think you’re gonna like it) or email me about shooting your family. i won’t lie, i’d be thrilled.
The picture of her by the crib made me cry! I get that.