One of my best friends in the whole world has cancer.
She’s 23.
It feels almost trite to write about it at all, like words are just so wimpy at a time like this. She’s amazing and upbeat and I stare blankly for long times, not knowing how to process it. She has such faith and optimism and grace, and humor! I wanted to remember her exactly as she is right now, and really–what can I offer in these hard minutes, but to remember us, all dancing in Claire’s living room to your favorite songs?
You called it your farewell-tumor party. We ate homemade bread and white bean chili and ice cream with hot fudge sauce, and took turns holding the babies.
I can’t believe this is real life.
I love this woman. She is incredible. Read more about her story here.
Don’t wait for the perfect moment to document the ones you love. It’s perfect because it’s now.
Great pictures Brooke! Katie really is incredible!