We officially moved to southern California last week.
This whole being married and being part of a family deal means you support other dreams besides your own, and you dive into lots of beautiful, different oceans in the name of that support. This time it’s an actual real alive ocean–which couldn’t thrill my hippie heart more, but. You know. I lived so much life and felt so many feels in Utah over 10 years of living there. It was my place; it holds my people. It was attached to all my real growing up, my biggest choices, my most defining moments, the birth of my children and my business and my passions. I had to sigh all of that out.
Being here now feels good, though. I trudged through hard and there will be more but I’ve discovered the more deeply I let myself feel things, the quicker I’m able to move on. It’s an intense way to go through life but it’s the one that feels truest to me. (alternately: you thought I was emotional and dramatic and then i moved. and it got to whooollle different level. yup.)
So the answer is YES, I’m booking weddings and family sessions here in Orange County!
And another yes, I am coming back to Utah. July 10-11, as a matter of fact. And I’d really love to photograph your family while I’m there.
Contact me if you’re interested in pricing + details and let’s do it!
And, for the record, because I hate ending on that seems-salesy note, can we all just agree right now that summer is the best thing on earth? drinking in that slow, thick pace full of sunscreen and too much frozen sugar. can’t think of anything more delicious. hope you’re soaking it up, friends.