I’m always looking for fresh faces for personal projects, portfolio updates, and styled shoots. Photographing new people keeps me on my toes professionally and makes my job extra fun! Plus, it doesn’t hurt that it benefits you, too.
So, if you’re interested in being a model for Brooke Schultz Photography, here are the requirements:
1. Ridiculously skinny Unique
I’m welcoming (and ecstatic for) models of all shapes and sizes. Beauty and inspiration exist in each human being, and I am all about celebrating that and being a voice for change in the art world. Heaven knows we can’t keep on the way things are going–with 0 being the new 2, we’ll all evaporate before we know it. Nobody can keep up with that. I refuse to add to the pressure women already feel to achieve ridiculous ideals.
Instead, I’m looking for unique models with interesting features and one-of-a-kind stories to tell. Freckles? Crooked teeth? Wrinkles? A sweet scar from the time you were pushed off your bike by that stupid neighbor kid? I’m all for it.
2. Master of the pout Adventurous
Since our photographs are going to be unique, expect to be doing a lot more than smirk, pout, smother, repeat. Oh, there will be plenty of that, but my aim is to depict real human beings and reflections of emotions and experiences to which we can all relate, so to be a model in my gigs you need to be willing to take those kinds of emotional risks. This is why acting experience could be a very handy asset–so if you’ve got some, let me know!
Alright, Brooke, I’m unique and adventurous and I think I want to model, now what do I do?
Even if you’re not completely sure, there’s no obligation–you’ll simply be notified of projects I’m working on.
If you’d like to receive these opportunities, email me the following at brookebee @ gmail.com:
1. A few photos of yourself. To match you up to the project that suits you best, at least a headshot and a full body shot are preferred. If not, send a few contrasting shots.
2. Your age, height, approximate weight, dress, pant, and top size (in numbers like 8, 12, 16 instead of medium or large). Further measurements may be needed for certain projects.
3. An idea of who you are–what are your interests and passions? Are you interested in the modeling experience, the free photos, the chance to work on some fun projects? Is there anything in particular you’re interested in doing (styled wedding shoots, maternity, a birth story, any other type of session I offer?)
4. Any additional information about yourself and the best way to contact you. (Insert cool stories about your scars, your pregnancy, your life here.)
I’m also accepting couples to model–since I’m passionate about capturing love in real relationships, it doesn’t make sense to me to pair up two people who couldn’t care less about each other to pretend they’re in love. So if you’re really in love, unique and adventurous, follow the steps above!
Compensation: You will receive 10+ images for your personal use as compensation from each shoot. Images received may vary depending on the project.
And it’s as simple as that!
Free photos for your lovely self and a great experience–dunno if it gets much better than that.
Brooke Schultz is a Utah County wedding photographer who photographs interesting people who love other people. If you want to be in on the fabulousness, you can just email her at brookebee @ gmail.com and she will tell you all about how she can make your wedding photography dreams come true.
Love your “approach”… looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I anticipate lots of goodness.
Thanks Heather! =)