it has been amazin me lately that two people who fit ever find each other.
like, all of us are so strange, so quirky and unknowable and changing from minute to minute–how do we ever find that other half that fits with ours when we’re unpredictable all the time? i had no idea in the world how perfect jared was for me when i made that lucky wonderful choice to make him mine for always.
but sara and james, they seem like they know. they have an ease about their love that’d make you guess they’d been married forever, not twenty minutes. they were wed on a frozen day with snow picturesquely falling and everyone cozy with the glow of the rightness of their match. okay, i’m waxing cheesy, which is always how i know it’s time to go to the photos.
sara and james, thank you for letting me be part of your day. your effortless comfort with each other and the happy you radiate is out of this world.
This gorgeous wedding was in Utah, where I still go sometimes because airplanes, so if you’re getting married there let’s chat. Most days you’ll find me in Orange County, CA where I photograph couples crazy in love and families who care about meaning more than spotless bathrooms.
And hey? If you’re a photographer too, I make cool stuff for you about making art + making a non-sleazy living while doing it. Get in for free juicy content right here.
The pictures of my niece Sara and her husband james are phenomenal!