This project grew in my belly while listening to a talk on creativity and the need to go after your own personal projects no matter what else you’ve got rollin.
It was an experiment and a disaster by some standards–the one black and white roll had ONE image that turned out.
but it’s probably my favorite image i’ve ever made.
there’s something about answering that call to create, when the creating is for no one but you, that paves the way for you to make the biggest, best, boldest most beautiful work you’ve ever made. (and also some of the most terrible, because it’s all an experiment!
Be SELFISH in your creations
Be GENEROUS in your sharing.
“You can always tell people who live for others by the anguished expressions on the faces of the others.” -Liz Gilbert. So perfect, right? ha.
The work we feel and admire most wasn’t made for us; it was made for the person who made it.
The work that was left unrecognized and unappreciated in the artist’s lifetime—made for the artist who made it.
I made this for me. For all the feelings I feel as a mother. But in the specific lies the universal, and it’s always my hope that my creations reverberate somewhere in your heart, your experience, so we can all come together under the same sky and say, mmmhmm. me too.
Here’s part one.
If these images move something in you and you want to have a family session that MEANS something more than just a representation of your faces I’d love to be your lady. Contact me right here and I’ll send you all the pricing and availability deets.