Jessica is a wonderful online woman and an adventurous soul–we had so much fun together! Plus she is beautiful beyond reason, so that kept making me squeal and do little happy dances. Her easy smile, great style, and eagerness to help people and make a difference just make my heart sing. And this online dress? I hand made it. Yep. I feel like a proud mom–this lil creation is pretty fabulous, I’m not going to risks pretend to be humble about it. And, no sewing required–my kind of dress! I can’t emphasize the importance of personal work for photographers enough. over the counter Whether online canada reviews you’re starting out or a seasoned pro, you need need need personal work to help you refine your vision and define your voice. Personal work is also my way of recharging my creative batteries; zero pressure and I’m free to experiment. And when is there any other good reason to have 40 yards of tulle in your photos?! That’s motivation enough right there. This is just part one, because once again I can’t fit all the goodness into just one post. More of this creation to come! Happy weekend, lovelies!
[…] she gorgeous? We had such a blast. Missed part one? It’s right here. I gotcho […]
These are just breathtakingly beautiful, Brooke!
Thanks, Emily! Your turn is coming so soon!!