Val of Flower Afternoon is just a really lovely person. She’s down to earth but crazy talented and also a beaut to boot.
We got together for a little flower fun on a whim and here are the photos we made.
This is what I want to be doing in the world–creating beauty.
Some people don’t think it’s a lot and some people think it’s everything but I’m content to know it’s somewhere in the middle. A big deal sometimes, and other times, just fun. I see both in these images.
And a hiphiphooray for shooting film again! I woke up from a long winter of uncertainty and I’ve started experimenting anew and you’re about to see.
See more of my personal projects here.
I love the one with the flowers up in the air. They look so perfect and I thought, “How did she DO that?” But you didn’t do it– they flew perfectly all on their own. You just snapped it with your camera so everyone else could see. That’s why you are so cool.